BLINDED BY THE LIGHT July 30, 2020July 30, 2020Maria Comment When I watched the movie Blinded by the Light I had a visceral reaction to the protagonist, Javed. I understood his every word [...]
I AM NO LONGER A SAHM July 6, 2015March 10, 2016Maria 1 Today I start my first full time (paid) job in 14 years. 14 years is a long time to have been out of [...]
WHAT IS THE OPTIMUM TIME FOR MATERNITY LEAVE? June 17, 2015August 22, 2017Maria Comment I wrote the below post two years ago and while the issue of paid parental leave seems to have dropped off the political [...]
LOVE IN THE TIME OF CONTEMPT – JOANNE FEDLER (REVIEW) March 16, 2015March 10, 2016Maria 2 This is the book you read when you don’t want to go on a guilt trip about your parenting. This is the book [...]
THE ART OF BEING LOST November 24, 2014March 10, 2016Maria Comment There’s a sense of anticipation in my household at the moment. Most of it mine. Next year child no. 2 starts high school [...]
MUM, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE TWERKING. April 8, 2014Maria Comment On Saturday night Mr M’s niece got married. Weddings being festive occasions, the music was playing and the dancing was aplenty. And it’s [...]