I’ve blogged about this topic before on my other blog

I originally wrote this post in 2007 and I have to say that not much has changed. I am still a walking contradiction.

I want the kids to come to me when there is a problem….I want them to sort it out themselves.

I want lots of kids….I want to have my time and my body back.


I like it when the kids sneak into my bed….I want a full night’s uninterrupted sleep.

I want lots of kids….I want to be able to afford to travel more often.

I love being a stay-at-home mum….I want to go out and work.

I want my kids to learn independence….I want to be involved in their lives…too involved?

I want my kids to ask me questions….I want my kids to not ask so many questions.

I want to be able to go out until 4am…I want to be able to function the next day.

I want to sleep in on weekends….I don’t want to waste family time sleeping.

I want my mind to be free of all these thoughts….then what would I have to think about?

So what about you? Are you a walking contradiction?


  • At 2011.04.18 14:40, Brenda said:

    Love this one! And so VERY true.x

    • At 2011.04.18 21:37, Tania said:

      so true, as a mum I want it all, the family and the freedom

    • At 2011.04.18 23:52, Maria said:

      With a little bit of shush and a warm cup of tea 🙂

      Thanks for the visit Tania.

      Love & stuff
      Mrs M

      • At 2011.04.18 23:54, Maria said:

        Glad you liked it Brenda. I saw your video on Sydney Writer’s Centre when your little one sat on your lap while you were trying to do the interview. Just like it is at my house when I’m trying to write.

        Love & stuff
        Mrs M

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