So if you read my recent post you’d know that for the last 6 months I had been working with Brenda Gaddi on putting together the Digital Parents Conference 2013.

Now you can’t pull something like that without some organizational skills but something did get lost along the way; my family organization.

I don’t know if you’re like me but I’ve got a pretty good memory. And even though I had checks and balances for my work, my checks and balances for my family (read: memory) were starting to fail.

The pile of school notes on my desk was rising daily; and getting ignored.

It was almost serendipitous that I received an email from the fine people at Personal Planner asking me if I was interested in trying out one of planners. HELL YES!

You see, I’ve got 4 kids and a husband to keep track of and whilst Mr M and I are quite good at using Outlook for our diaries and notifying each other of our appointments, our children do not have the luxury of personal devices.

Old enough to have their own stuff going on, not old enough to quite manage their own diaries. So a planner it is.

A planner will remind everyone of their stuff; will clear all those notes off my desk and also lets everyone else in on what everyone else is doing in the week. Without having to ask me. Bonus!!!

And of course with 4 kids and their various stuff (as well as mine), being able to personalize a planner is heaven sent; which in my eyes was the first plus for Personal Planners.

Personal Planners
Examples of the front and back covers from

Their planners provide you with endless design possibilities. You can change colour, text and design on front/back cover as well as inlay. There are also clever boxes for to-do list, gym session, preschool, idea of the week and weather. Friend’s and family member’s birthdays can also be added to the inlay directly from Facebook. They print and deliver the finished product directly to our your doorstep.  Here are a few things that I like about these planners:

  • Design the front/back cover
  • Tons of ways to design the inside to suit your style & needs
  •  Add friends & family members birthdays to the inlay
  • Choose between 4 different sizes
  • You pick the month you want the diary to start; great for those of you who like to use Financial year diaries.


Personal Planners
Examples of the inside inlay from

I chose to have

  • To Do List
  • List of the Week
  • Idea of the Week
  • Notes section
  • Training

This works really well for us because I’m the sort of person who likes visual reminders. I find things are more likely to get done if it’s written down somewhere where I am continuously reminded of it. Like a nagging mother 😉

I write down everything; the kids chores for the week/day. Idea of the Week gives us a chance to write down what fun stuff we want to do as a family. Training is supposed to inspire me to….ahem train. Working progress.

I received my planner a few weeks ago and started using straight after the conference closed; when I could no longer ignore the pile of notes.  It was so good to clear my desk and have everything sorted. Funnily enough, it helped clear my mind and my memory started working again. Oh the irony.

Now my good people, you can win a planner of your own. Personal Planners are giving away one of their planners.  All you have to do is tell me below why you need a planner and has there ever been a time when you’ve completely forgotten about an important date or appointment.

The winner will receive a gift card that you can redeem on the website and all it takes is about 10 minutes to go through the step by step guide and select what features you want in your planner. So easy.

For a sticky beak about these planners go to the website Personal Planner

And like the Personal Planner Facebook Page

Prize cannot be exchanged for cash and judges decision is final. Entries close Monday 15 April 2013 at 5pm (EST). I’ll announce the winner here in the comments section and I’ll email you personally.

Good luck.

I was not paid for this post but I was gifted a planner for review.


  • At 2013.04.09 12:51, Deb @ Home life simplified said:

    I would love one of these planner – i love that you can customise it. I need this type of planner to manage the different areas of my life – work, kids, husband who is working in another state etc.
    i forget things occasionally because i either forget to check my planner or mix up what the heck the day is LOL

    • At 2013.04.13 14:56, Noor Unnahar said:

      I love planners . Always keep me in a routine . Their designing features are amazing . I would use it for my school activites and some important appointments 🙂
      I had forgot my final exams date and that caused me a serious trouble . bad times though 🙂

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